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How to Use Oko?


Oko requires iOS 17 or later to work on your device. Choose any topic below or scroll down for a quick intro to Oko.



On Oko's main screen, you'll find a map with your location, a search bar to enter your destination, an AI button to scan your environment. 

Oko homescreen view. A map is visible and the bottom sheet were you can enter your destination, activate the AI button and access your profile & settings.
AI button​

When clicking on the AI button on the homescreen it will open up the camera screen and starts running our AI. The camera screen displays on top what the AI is looking for, in the example below it is looking for a pedestrian signal.

Oko camera view using AI. The camera is visualized on the screen and is actively looking for pedestrian signals. On the top you have a close button to go back to Maps. On the bottom you have a help and send feedback button.
Search destination​

Enter the address or destination you want to go to using the keyboard or by voice.

Oko search view. Starbucks is entered as a destination using the keyboard below on the screen.
Search results â€‹

Choose the place that you're planning to go to. If you search for eg. a Starbucks Oko will display all Starbucks around your location. You'll get the option to choose which one you'd like to explore and navigate to.

Oko search results screen. Starbucks are shown in the area of New York Financial District. 25 starbucks are shown in a list where a user can choose from.
Details about destination​

The details screen gives you the opportunity to interact with the address or business. You can received directions to it as well as get information about the business eg. phone and website. 

Oko details about a business screen. User can hit directions to navigate to this location or get extra information below such as address, phone and website.
Directions  â€‹

The directions screen gives you the ability to explore the steps necessary to complete the route as well as to start navigation. Depending on the destination you can get multiple routes where you can choose from.

Oko directions screen. A user can first look at the steps along the route or immediately start navigation by clicking on the go button.
Steps along your route​

The steps screen gives you the ability to get an understanding of the route. You can get information about upcoming turn instructions, intersections that you're passing and more.

Oko steps screen. Describes the steps taken along your route, informing you about turns and upcoming intersection details.
Navigation using AI​

When in navigation mode you'll get turn-by-turn instructions, as well as intersection announcements eg. "signalized intersection ahead, cross Broadway to continue". If you're crossing a signalized intersection you can simply raise your phone to activate the camera to look for pedestrian signals.


Instructions about your route are visualized in top of the screen. ETA and ending navigation is possible at the bottom of the screen. 

Oko navigation screen. On top the instructions are displayed that are also spoken out by voice. Below you can find your ETA and the option to end the route.
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